Commercial Solar – Everything you need to know in BC

Commercial solar power is a rapidly growing industry in British Columbia, thanks to the province’s strong commitment to renewable energy and its abundant sunshine. With the help of government incentives and the falling cost of solar technology, more and more businesses in BC are turning to solar power to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs.

One of the key drivers of the commercial solar market in BC is the province’s Clean Energy Act, which requires BC Hydro to source at least 90% of its electricity from clean or renewable sources by 2025. This has created a strong demand for clean energy alternatives, such as solar power, and has led to the development of a number of large-scale solar projects across the province.

In addition to the Clean Energy Act, the BC government also offers a number of incentives to encourage the adoption of solar power by businesses. For example, the province offers a renewable energy buyback program that allows businesses to sell excess solar power back to the grid at a guaranteed rate. This can help businesses offset the cost of their solar installations and make the transition to renewable energy even more financially attractive.

The falling cost of solar technology is also making commercial solar power more affordable for businesses in BC. In recent years, the price of solar panels and other equipment has fallen significantly, making it possible for businesses to install solar systems at a much lower cost than in the past. This has made it easier for businesses to make the switch to solar power and has helped to drive the growth of the commercial solar market in the province.

In conclusion, the commercial solar market in British Columbia is growing rapidly thanks to the province’s strong commitment to renewable energy, government incentives, and the falling cost of solar technology. As more and more businesses turn to solar power to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs, the demand for commercial solar systems is expected to continue to grow in the coming years

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